Electronic messages are sent and considered at JSC “Minsk Plant of Civil Aviation No.407” pursuant to the “On citizens’ and legal entities’ official proceedings” Act of the Republic of Belarus No. 300-3 dated July 18, 2011 (hereinafter – “Law”).

To send an electronic message to JSC “Minsk Plant of Civil Aviation No.407” you have to post it under the website special heading or directly email it – 407@avia407.by

In accordance with the Law the electronic communication is carried out in either Russian or Belarusian language.


Citizen’s electronic message is obligatory to constitute:

  • Surname, first name. Patronymic or initials;
  • Citizen’s address of domicile (place of temporary residence);
  • Message content;
  • Citizen’s e-mail address.

Electronic message sent on behalf of legal entity is obligatory to constitute:

  • Full name of a legal entity;
  • registered office;
  • message content;
  • signatory’s who visas on message surname, first name, and patronymic;
  • e-mail address for feed back .



Electronic messages should be considered within a maximum 15 days period, and those what require additional review and inspection – within a period of 30 days maximum.

The replies are emailed  to the  electronic address stated in an electronic message, or sent in written to the Citizen’s address of domicile (place of temporary residence) or registered office of legal entity in cases prescribed by the Law.

Electronic messages are dismissed without considering on the merits if:

  • presented neither in Russian nor in Belarusian;
  • citizen’s surname, first name, patronymic, address of domicile (place of temporary residence) are not present;
  • doesn’t contain full name of the legal entity and its legal address, as well as its signatory’s who visas on message surname and first name (for legal entity only);
  • the copy is blind;
  • contains illegible or insulting words and phrases;
  • is subject to review in accordance with constitutional proceedings, Civil law and civil procedure, economic procedure law, criminal procedure law, administrative procedure law, administrative law;
  • there is another procedure for submission and consideration pursuant to the legislative requirements;
  • contain irrelative to competence of JSC “Minsk Plant of Civil Aviation N.407” issues;
  • with no reasonable excuse the term to claim elapsed;
  • message is re-submitted while it had been previously considered on the merits and doesn’t contain new facts to review and inspect;
  • correspondence is broken off with an applicant.

Appeals of citizens
Fill the form
and we will contact you shortly.


Appeals of legal entities
Fill the form
and we will contact you shortly.


Mailing address: 220054, Minsk, the territory of the National Airport “Minsk” 134

Address: 220054, Minsk, the territory of the National Airport “Minsk” 134