Minsk, the territory of the National Airport “Minsk” 134
Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant history is tightly connected with home aviation history.
On ember 22nd 1952 based by the USSR Cabinet Order No 32231-c there was a decision adopted to set up a Civil Aviation Aircraft Repair Base (ARB) in the framework of Minsk Airport.
By order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet Marshal of the Air Force S.F. Zhavoronkov on March 11, 1953 at the production facilities of Minsk Airport a plant was organized – aircraft repair base No. 407 of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet for transport aircraft, aircraft engines repair as well as non-standard process equipment manufacture.
Ivan Ivanovich Ivasik was appointed Head of the Aviation Repair Base No. 407 of the Civil Air Fleet, Isaak Markovich Goldenstein was – Chief Engineer, Alexey Vasilyevich Krutov – Production Manager, Kuzma Timofeevich Goncharov – Quality Manager, Kim Yakovlevich Orlov – Head of Production and Engineering.
The actual birthday of the aircraft repair base is considered to be the day of arrival of the first 19 aviation specialists to Minsk from the Egoryevsk Aviation Technical School, namely, on May 8, 1953.
The hangar with its extensions and a concrete hangar apron became a production base of the new enterprise.
Following the first aviation specialists of Yegoryevsky and Krivoy Rog aviation technical schools, Kiev Institute of Civil Air Engineers, as well as those who arrived in Minsk from different parts of the Soviet Union – Novosibirsk, Riga, Almaty, the firstborn of near future working day life Li-2 aircraft landed on the runway of the airport, airborne number L-4422, belonging to the Belarusian Territorial Administration of the GU GVF (LI-2 was being repaired at the plant from 1953 to 1963. 777 aircraft have been repaired and re-equipped for more extensive use in national economy .
By the end of 1953, the team consisted of 200 people.
By December 1956, the plant was ready and actually proceeded to Il-14 repair.
For those purposes, for the first time in the country, in the repair of aircraft, two-level docks were used, which is the basis for introducing the stream-bench method of repair and marked as a new qualitative step in production development.
Long-term cooperation of the plant with S.V. Ilyushin design bureau allowed the aircraft to be refitted into various modifications, which expanded their application. 18 aircraft modifications were created (the IL-14 aircraft was being repaired at the plant from 1956 to 1986; 3,658 aircraft were repaired and refitted for wider use in the national economy).
In the early 60s, graduates of Aeroflot educational institutions arrived at the plant in groups: Kharkov, Kuibyshev, Kiev, Riga GVF institutes, Kirsanovsky, Krivoy Rog, Irkutsk schools GVF.
In 1962, by the order of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet No. 124 as of March 3, 1962, Minsk aircraft repair base was renamed as “Civil Aviation Plant 407”, which is a part of the related enterprises of the All-Union State Industrial Association “Aviaremont”, which in turn was a part of the Main Directorate Civil Air Fleet at the Council of Ministers of the USSR / SNK of the USSR.
In December 1962, the Aviation Repair Plant No. 407 of Civil Aviation was headed by Nikolai Aleksandrovich Burkhansky (Plant Director 1964-1974).
New chapter in life of the plant turned out to be development and repair of jet technology. The first of these aircraft was TU-124 with tail number 45012. In May 1964, it arrived at the plant from the North Caucasus Territorial Department of Civil Air Fleet (TU-124 aircraft type was being repaired at the plant from 1964 to 1978 (497 aircraft were repaired).
In addition, this time was emphasized by great amount of construction work – both the production buildings and residential facilities for the plant staff.
In the 60s, plant’s team success in the field of technical progress was noted by twenty five medals of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
1970 was the year of mastering the repair of new YAK-40 aircraft (the YAK-40 aircraft has being repaired at the plant from 1970 to the present (about 4236 aircraft were repaired) and TU-134 (TU-134 aircraft has being repaired at the plant from 1972 to the present) – 3,354 aircraft were repaired and refitted for wider use in the national economy.
On February 8, 1971, The 407 civil aviation plant was awarded by the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for early fulfillment of five-year plan assignments, ensuring advanced products, creation and introduction of advanced technology in the field of aircraft repair.
Due to widespread introduction of scientific achievements and arrangements into production since 1973, Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant, for the first time in the history of corresponding enterprises, provided repair works for five aircraft types: IL-14, TU-124, TU-134, TU-134A, and YAK-40. Since 1973, the plant has taken the leading position in the industry and has rightfully been called the leading Aeroflot aircraft repair company.
From 1974 to 1996, Aircraft Repair Plant No. 407 of Civil Aviation was headed by Arkady Grigorievich Yams. Pavel Nikonovich Makeychik works as the Chief Engineer at that time, Vasily Pavlovich Bychko is the Head of Quality Control Department.
By the mid-1970s, Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant was a modern, well-organized and equipped aircraft repair enterprise, one of the largest in Europe.
The factory effectively operated automated systems for operational scheduling and management of all types aircraft repair, internal plant logistics, dispatch control of document execution. An automated work quality management system was put into operation.
This period also includes growth in the volume of export products. The closest and longest-standing relations were settled with airlines as LOT (Poland), Malev (Hungary), Interflug (GDR), CSA (Czechoslovakia), Cubana (Cuba), Tarom (Romania ), Aviageneks (Yugoslavia), ER Mongol (Mongolia), Hang Khong (Vietnam), airlines of India, Indonesia, Afghanistan, North Korea, Burma, Guinea, Mali, Madagascar and many others.
By the Decree of the RSFSR President No. 242 dated November 28, 1991, “On the reorganization of the central government bodies of the RSFSR”, the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet under the USSR Council of Ministers / SNK of the USSR with its member Aviaremont was abolished.
On February 5, 1993, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus adopted a Resolution “On establishing the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus”, and on July 22, 1993, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus adopted Resolution No. 491, whereby the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus including the Department of Civil Aviation with its structural segment aircraft repair plant number 407 of Civil Aviation.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 1995 No. 126 “On the Efficiency of Aviation Management”, the State Committee on Aviation of the Republic of Belarus was established.
The following enterprises are under its jurisdiction: Belavia Airlines (passenger traffic) and Transavieksport (air freight services), airports in Minsk and regional centers, Belaeronavigation and its branches, the Center for Flight Coordination and Support, Minsk and Orsha Aircraft Repair Plants, Minsk State Higher Training Flight Technical College, Training Center for training, advanced training of aviation personnel, the Central Agency of Air Traffic and some other enterprises.
From 1996 to 2001, Aircraft Repair Plant No. 407 of Civil Aviation was referred to as the state enterprise Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant (part of the State Production Association Belaviaremont under the State Committee on Aviation of the Republic of Belarus), headed by Fedor Fedorovich Ivanov.
Viktor Ivanovich Dronov works as a Technical Director-Chief Engineer, Yury Sergeevich Ryazanov is the Production Director, Vasily Bychko is the Quality Director, Alexander Ivanovich Popko is the Development Director, Alexander Ivanovich Rynkevich is the Construction Director.
From 2000 to 2005, the unitary enterprise Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant (name since 2001) is headed by Yury Sergeevich Ryazanov.
In December 2000, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Fedor Fedorovich Ivanov was appointed a Chairman of State Aviation Committee.
Reformation period and market relations in all areas of activity have become a difficult test of strength not only for one strong team, but for the entire aircraft repair industry. Only those who worked without “folding their wings”, worked creatively, every second tracking the changes in the situation, working through numerous options and choosing the most optimal ones and implementing them, had the right to success.
In these years and in the future, the plant has successfully mastered:
– fulfillment of maintenance programmes forms for Yak-42, Yak-40, TU-134;
– repair (TO-10000, TO-20000) of YAK-42 aircraft, repair of TU-134 aircraft (modifications of this type: TU-134SH, TU-134SH, TU-134UBL), conversion of TU-134 aircraft into various versions;
– performing aircraft exterior painting with polyurethane enamels;
– maintenance and repair of finished products of Yak-42 and IL-62 aircraft;
– repair of units to operational divisions;
– develops design documentation and manufactures prototypes of products and consumer goods (27 types): washing machines, microwave oven, electric fan, dishwasher, masher, greenhouse, kitchen hood, souvenirs, etc.
The YAK-42 aircraft has been repaired at the plant from 1994 to the present (13 aircraft repaired).
Having become a head enterprise newly created industry, Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant gained strength and confidently to start implementing new programs. Repair of YAK-40, YAK-42, TU-134 aircraft of all modifications, the conversion of aircraft into various versions became the main focus of the activities of aircraft repair company. The 2000s were marked by carrying out extensive work on the conversion of TU-134UBL aircraft (combat training laboratory) to the passenger version of TU-134B — the Salon option, the upgrades of TU-134CX (agricultural version) revision of the option “Salon”.
The high prestige of Minsk aircraft repair technicians is confirmed by a number of high government awards presented to the plant in different years and 10 international awards.
From 2005 to 2010, the unitary enterprise “Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant” is headed by Yury Nikolayevich Chakhovsky.
Since 2005, the plant began to implement new programs. In particular, the repair of the units of the IL-76, TU-154 and MI-8 helicopters was mastered.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2006 No. 289, State Committee on Aviation was attached to the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the corresponding Department of Aviation was established.
In 2007, Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant mastered the repair of a YAK-52 training sports aircraft.
Yak-52 aircraft have been repaired at the plant from 2007 to the present (14 aircraft repaired).
Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant confidently launched new programs.
In March 2010, Yevgeny Sergeevich Vaitsehovich was approved as the General Director of Minsk Aviation Repair Plant unitary enterprise (Minsk Civil Aviation Plant No. 407) since January 30, 2014, who has continued to successfully manage the plant.
From now on, the company, overcoming enormous difficulties, began to spread its “wings”.
The plant develops creation of domestic unmanned aircraft complexes – unmanned aerial vehicles, masters new activities, such as manufacture and repair of spare parts with their own hands for YAK-40, TU-134, TU-154, IL-76, MI-8 aircraft and others. The volumes of repair of Yak-52 aircraft, repair of Yak-40, TU-134 aircraft of all modifications are progressing rapidly.
OJSC Minsk Civil Aviation Plant No. 407 looks to the future with confidence. The perspective of the plant is presented as the execution of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of September 22, 2014 No. 456 “On the implementation of the investment project“ Experimental multifunctional complex “Minsk-Mir”. Until 01.01.2018 a new plant for repair, maintenance and painting to build and put into operation with purpose to provide service for modern aircraft of western manufacture and aviation equipment of Russian manufacture (including airplanes manufactured in Soviet times) on the basis of Minsk Plant of Civil Aviation No. 407 on new areas of National Airport, at the modern level of technology in accordance with international certification regulations. In 2016, in accordance with approved action plan, the plant continues to work on the construction of a new plant on the territory of National Airport Minsk, with the implementation of a highly progressive modern level of architectural design for the main production purpose – washing and painting the outer surface of aircraft as well as aircraft maintenance and repair (new types of Russian aviation technician and TU-204, TU-214, TU-334, etc., and aircraft of western production of Boeing, Airbus, CRJ, etc.).
At the same time, the plant will keep the traditional direction of repair TU-134, Yak-40, Yak-42.
in 2018
the plant completely moved to the territory of the newly built plant. The operation of the new plant on the territory of National Airport Minsk will create additional workplaces and attract highly qualified personnel in addition to the existing plant workers.
Future of the plant is in the complex program of development of aircraft repair production, aimed at further cooperation with aviation enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, commonwealth countries and countries producing modern western aircraft.
Throughout its activities, the plant fruitfully cooperates with the ASTC. A.N. Tupolev (now PJSC “Tupolev”) and OKB im. A.S. Yakovlev (now JSC Yakovlev Design Bureau, Federal State Unitary Enterprise GosNII GA, Interstate Aviation Committee, JSC Certification Center Gosaviisertifika, manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft products, JSC 558 Aviation Repair Plant, JSC Orshansky Aviation Repair plant, the Belarusian State Academy of Aviation and many other flying clubs, organizations that have any relation to aviation technology.